Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sharing our Life

First of all, I am finally done with parent teacher conferences!! I had three straight nights of basically living at the school. I would get up at 5:30, leave at 6:30 and then be at school from 7 am until about 8 pm. They were LONG days with no breaks. I would barely even have time to eat or run to the little girls room. Then I would come home, sleep, and do it all over again. It was so exhausting! I am still recuperating from it. Today I slept in until 8. Since we got paid this week and I feel like I deserve it, I went and bought myself a new pair of jeans. I spent an hour at the mall before I was off to babysit. I really should take a day for myself every now and then. I am starting to burn out I think.

What I really wanted to write about was a thought that I had this morning. As I was eating breakfast, I began to think about my situation. Right now I am living with a great roommate and her little girl. Even though they make a mess or ruin my stuff sometimes, I enjoy having them around. Here are some of the thoughts that ran through my head this morning: No one was home so it was really quiet and abandoned feeling. That is nice every now and then, but it would get so boring and lonely after a while. I wished someone else was there. We also just cleaned, so as I looked around, everything was clean, in order and in its right place. If I lived by myself, it would always look that way. It almost looked lifeless to me now that I have gotten used to living with a child. I didn't know what to do with myself after breakfast because Aspen wasn't there wanting to be picked up, there weren't dishes in the sink to be cleaned, Alisha wasn't there to talk to, Travis was at a basketball game so he wasn't available either. I just had no idea what to do with everything taken care of and being alone.

The thought that came to me after that was that life is pointless without someone else to share it with. This is why we are encouraged to find someone and get married and start a family. We need to share our life with someone. It helps bring purpose to our life. I know that some people do not have that opportunity, but I still think that they need someone to share their life with; be it a family member or friend...we all need somebody. Focusing on our self does nothing to help us progress to our fullest potential. In order to be the happiest we can be, we must focus on others. It finally hit me today when I was sitting in my clean apartment with no one else around.


Lindsay said...

you can borrow Owen next time you get lonely, or come watch him here. He has been a bit demanding since Sam was born-he is a little jealous of Sam and needs extra attention sometimes.

Katie said...

I could not agree more. It is the relationships - the people - in our lives that give our lives meaning.