Sunday, December 19, 2010

New friends

Yesterday I left Utah to spend my Christmas break in Georgia. I had a day full of meeting new friends. First I met Bessie and her husband, Ernest. I met them while sitting at our gate. They were in their 60s. They are both from Georgia, met in Utah and that's where they live now. Ernest served in Vietnam and Bessie works in the medical field. She is a stylish old lady and he is a jolly old man. He talks to everyone, loves children, and has a hearty laugh. I sat and talked to Bessie for a good 30-45 minutes. We talked about all kinds of things. My favorite thing that she told me is not to tell men how great they are because it will go straight to their head. She was telling me how lucky she was to meet her husband. While we were talking, another couple in their 60s came and sat down next to Ernest. He started talking to them. Ernest and the other man were hilarious! They just fed off each other. Ernest mentioned how Bessie had him do something and the other man said he had one for himself and she was redhead and spent his money too. Then later they talked about visiting the gift store and how there was a $300 pair of jeans. The old man said that they were worn out and had holes in them. It made me laugh because it was such an old person comment.
On the plane, I made another friend. His name is Rodarious and he is 12 years old. In the first 30 minutes of the plane ride, he told me his life story and he didn't stop talking to me the whole plane ride. Even if I put my head phones in to get a break, he would tap me on the shoulder and ask another question. He has been in and out of foster homes and living with relatives his whole life because both his parents have been in and out of jail. He was in Utah visiting his grandmother. When he arrives in Florida, he will go back to a "program." Then he gets to live with his mom starting in January for a couple months, but he doesn't want to because he is scared his anger problems will come back. Today he gets to go visit his dad in jail. He mentioned to me that he just wants to find someone to adopt him. At some point in our first conversation, I mentioned that we used to have foster kids live with us when I was younger. A couple hours into the plane ride, he asked me if my parents still took in foster kids. That made me begin to think how lucky I was. Here is this 12 year old boy that just wants a stable family. He would rather go live with my family than his own parents. It made me wonder how many other children there are out there in situations like these. They just want someone constant in their life to love them. I am lucky to have a mom and dad that have supported me in everything I have done and love me no matter what. Rodarious also asked me if I was going to adopt any kids. That is something I will have to think more about in the future, but it has opened my eyes more to the option.

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