Thursday, April 7, 2011


I think my very first blog post was about conference. That means I have now been a blogger for 6 months now. Yay me! For those of you that don't know, Conference is a time where the leaders of our church speak to the members of the church throughout the world. You can listen to the talks on or you can learn more about our church at

Anyways, every time Conference rolls around, I try to make it to at least one session. I know some people don't like going because they would rather watch it all cuddled up on their couch, but for me, there is something special about being in the presence of the prophet of God. If I don't get to go it's ok, but I like to at least try.

Well, this year I didn't even try to get tickets because they don't let parents send them to their kids anymore and that is how I have gotten them in the past. I wasn't sad about it until I realized that this is probably the last chance I get to go for a while since I will be moving to Ohio. This sadness didn't last long because my dear friend Shannon sent me a message asking if I wanted to go with her. I was sooo excited!

As usual, Conference was amazing. I tried to soak it all in while I could and take advantage of it while I am here. Sometimes I think the people here don't realize how lucky they are to have the opportunity to go. I am going to miss going to Conference. Shannon, thank you for sharing this opportunity with me. I loved it!

On our way to and from the Conference center, I always play the game of who knows the most people. I am pretty good at the game normally, but I only saw 2 people this time. (I still won though.) I saw my good friend Jesus and it made my day! Also, Shannon and I joked about making it into the Ensign. We almost made it. If we hung around for a couple more minutes I am pretty sure we would have gotten in. Look for us in the background though. I think the photographers missed out. I think it would have been a pretty cute picture! We look happy and spiritually fed.


Travis said...

Remember the last time we played that game?? :) Victory was sweet that day

Shannon said...

If you'd like, I can print off that picture of us and glue it into your Ensign when you get it :)