Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Little Red Engine

Right now, I feel like the Little Red Engine. I keep telling myself, "I think I can, I think I can." I don't know why but this past week has been really tough. I usually wake up at 5:30 and this week I was getting out of bed at 5:45, 6:00, and even 6:20. Then once I get to work I say to myself, "here we go. You can do it." That is kind of sad. I am just to that point of utter exhaustion.

I have given of myself and I don't think there is much more to give. It has finally taken a toll on my body. I guess it doesn't help that I have been sick all week AND I am planning a wedding AND I am trying to find a job in Ohio AND I am looking for a place to live in Ohio AND spend time with my Travis AND I am still babysitting on the weekends AND I still have to take care of everything here AND do my calling. I just know that I can't wait until summer. It will be the most blissful summer of my life! I can't wait! In case you are wondering, my summer officially starts in 36 days. That is 25 school days. I love my job, I love my kids, but I will love my summer vacation!


Shannon said...

Welcome to life after Spring Break. It stinks. :)

Elena said...

Now I found YOUR blog!) And Travis looks like a perfect match for you. Funny how the beautiful people seem to find each other. Good luck planning your wedding with the THOUSANDS of things you have going on. I can't imagine. I have just one suggestion. Keep your job here for just a couple more years so my little girl can have you as a fabulous kindergarten teacher. I know one little boy who loves you.

Katie said...

You can do it! And it will all be so worth it!