Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Count Downs Are On

I have so many count downs going on right now that I can't believe I can actually keep track of them. I think I am just so worn out and exhausted and ready to be done that I need to know to keep myself going. I imagine it is like running a race. If you stop and walk, it is harder to start running again and if the end is in sight it is easier to push till the end.

My school countdown is more like a "sprint to the end." I have 5 more days and I am trying my hardest to get everything done that I need to before the end of the year. I sure hope it happens! I need to enter report card grades, finish teaching and practice the graduation program, have field day, have graduation, do the dance festival, pack up my classroom, clean my classroom and check out by June 3rd.

My moving/seeing Travis again countdown is 22 days. I am not even attempting this stuff until the school stuff is done. I have to pack up my apartment and say bye to all of my sweet and amazing friends in Provo. I may just be putting that off because I hate goodbyes.

My getting married countdown is 44 days. Right now I am just jogging along with no stress. I still feel like it is far away. The big stuff is taken care of, so it is just the details I need to work out. I think because my life is so crazy, I am not too worried about if it all gets done or not. No big deal. My dad helped me realize that all that matters is that Travis and I are there together. Who cares about the cake or what color dresses people wear or what centerpieces are on the table? Just as long as we make those promises to each other, nothing else matters.

Then after all this stress and crazy schedules, Travis and I will have a nice relaxing cruise. I can't wait! That is in 45 days! :)

1 comment:

Travis said...

The cruise will be all that more relaxing after all that you've done. Hang in there, I can't wait to see you. I love you!