Friday, June 3, 2011

Rollercoaster of Emotions

Morning Class before Kindergarten GraduationAfternoon Class after Kindergarten Graduation

Today was filled with a million emotions. I blame it on my high stress levels and lack of sleep. I got to school early, as usual, and got to work right away by putting the kids' report cards in their cubbies, as well as a wedding announcement. Nathan came over last night to help me print the envelopes. (Thanks Nathan!!) After getting that done, I started getting other stuff done, but kept getting interrupted so I wasn't very effective.

The kids started coming and the chaos began. Both classes were there, so I had about 50 kids. I had to hurry and get them into 2 lines and head to the back of the school where we were having our dance festival. It went pretty well, but the kids were restless during the other performances. We went back to class, the kids got their stuff, gave me a hug and said goodbye.

I did so good. I did not cry at all! I was officially done with my first year of teaching and I SURVIVED!! I was EXCITED! I was EXHAUSTED! I was ready to be DONE!! Then I went back into work mode to get everything ready for checkout. Everything was going great...until I went to turn my key in. Mr. Bowman said, "Are you ready to turn your key in?" He meant literally. I felt emotionally. As I handed him my keys, the tears began to roll done my face like they are right now. This was it. I was really done. I told him I didn't think it would be this hard. I thought I would be excited after how much work and stress this year has been. I thought I would feel relief. Instead, I felt sad and empty. These kids have been my life the last 9 months and I love them and will miss them. Mr. Bowman said it is only hard because of the work I have put in to the year and it is a good thing.

I made the long walk back down to my classroom trying to hid my tears. I took my last few belongings to my car and said bye to Harvest Elementary. I remember the moment I walked in to the school for my interview that I would teach there and it has been an amazing year. I could not have asked for a better Principal, better team, better parents or a better class. I am grateful for my time at Harvest Elementary. I will always remember the memories I made there.

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