Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I saw a Dinosaur!

Oh, I almost forgot! On our ride home on Sunday, I saw the biggest animal of my life. I have no idea what it was. It was crazy! It was literally the size of our car. It had a round belly and kind of a long neck. It had brownish-orangish fur. At first I thought it was a buffalo because it was so huge, but buffalo don't have long necks. It was in the middle of Utah dessert. The only thing that makes sense is that it was a dinosaur. No one believes me, but I am sure it was a dinosaur. Anyways, I told my kids at school about it and one little boy raised his hand and said, "Miss Broadhead, I believe you. I think it was a dinosaur." I almost started to laugh but I kept my composure. The rest of the class chimed in and said they believed me too! So, even if no one else believes me, both my classes do!

So, if someone ever asks why I love my job, this is why!


Travis said...

Oh, I've heard of a dinosaur in the desserts of Utah. I'm pretty sure they call it a imagisaurus. :)

Emily Richards said...

I LOVE dinosaurs! I definitely believe you. And I'm so happy to have a new blog to read!

Ryan T. Scoffield said...
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Ryan T. Scoffield said...

It could have been a cow. Did you consider that? How big is your car?