Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's Here! It's Here!

Once upon a time, Travis bought me a beautiful ring. It was a gorgeous ring that I loved very much. Sadly, that ring was too big for my skinny fingers so I had to give it up. Jared's, the Galleria of Jewelry promised they would get it back to me in 10 days. Little did we know that Jared's was really the wicked stepmother that wanted to ruin my life. They thought it would be funny to watch me squirm as I was ring-less for the beginning stages of my soon to be happily ever after stage. My prince charming called and called and called trying to figure out the problem and make them do something to pay for their mistakes. Like I said, Jared's is wicked and didn't care. FINALLY, after many painstaking days (23) of waiting, my ring arrived in Utah yesterday. They still had to size it down and Travis was practically breathing down their throats (all the way from Ohio) to make them get it done. I went and picked it up and it was even more beautiful than I remember. Here are some pictures if you care to see.

View from the Top
View from the Side (bands cross)
The whole way home I kept staring at it and any time I stopped at a stoplight I would see if it would sparkle in the different lights. I love it!


Carie said...

Yeah yeah!!!

Lauren said...

Your ring is gorgeous, I love love love love it!!!!!

Shannon said...

Hey now you can tell people that you're engaged...especially guys who call to ask you out! :)

Devin and Kati said...

Amber yay I love your blog! The ring is gorgeous, I'm so glad you got it finally!